4 Misconceptions about Marriage

The misconception is enough to ruin a marriage. When it come-up in a marriage, marriage turn towards worse and sometimes couples can’t even find out, after all, where is marriage going on both starts taunt to each other. If you are in such a complicated situation, wanna survive your marriage then here is 4 misconceptions of marriage, you should avoid. Feel the lacking love: - Often over a time of marriage, couples get busy with daily works and other social responsibility, therefore, can’t make time for their partner as first place. This is why misconception occurs in couples mind resultant of that both get apart to each other. So if your spouse is not able to spend time with you then you should understand their situation. Lacking time: - It’s true over time of a marriage spend a quality time together seem like unworthy because of busy schedules. Husband gets busy with social works while wife gets busy with household responsibility. Lacking care: - ...